Since making those posts about the Tony Cipriano HVATV episodes a while back there have been many sculptors and pieces of work I’ve meant to mention and have just kept forgetting.
Seeing pics today of this finished Frank Miller ‘The Dark Knight Returns‘ Batman sculpt, by a guy called Thiago Provin reminded me.
As a big fan of the graphic novel I can’t help but be impressed with how well he’s managed to bring this to life, adding an extra dimension of realism, but without detracting from the original design. Click on his name or the pic to see bigger pics.
As a way of making up for all the times I’ve missed mentioning great sculpts in the past I’ve added a new ‘Sculptors’ section to the links on the right, and will be adding more as I remember who I’ve missed off (and updating the Tony Cipriano one when I find one that works!).