Saw this link (or a list of screens very much like this) ages ago and then forgot about it.
A completely unrelated random conversation reminded me of it, so I will now re-inflict it back on the world – enjoy, I know I did.

You want Monkeywiz, we got it!
For those of you that don’t know I’m due to become a dad in August, I’m just hoping the blighter turns out to be as funny as this guys kid (intentional or otherwise) Statements my offspring has made
Whilst I’m pretty sure everyone will find something to make them laugh on the web-comic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, my programming friends especially will like this episode:-
If only facebook was like this I’d sign in more often to check status updates.
A funny, heart-warming, entertaining film about one mans passion for Morris Dancing. That’s right, Morris Dancing!
After seeing it this weekend, I can easily say this has the be the best “mockumentary” I’ve seen yet, and heartily recommend you visit the website to find out where it’s showing near you, and book tickets now.
Full of British talent (and international, the fantastic Dominique Pinon also has a minor role), great locations, and large amounts of cider, I was happy to join in when the audience spontaneously decided to applaud at the end of the film.
A friend just sent me a link to Cat Shit One, which I hadn’t heard of before, but looks like it’s been around for a while in Manga form.
Think I might have to pick it up and see what the original’s like, not sure if I should be amused or horrified, but very very watchable, see the trailer below to see what I mean!
Missile base on sale as ideal home
It is the ideal home for an aspiring James Bond villain, or an anxious survivalist seeking a refuge that can withstand an atomic bomb.
A former US intercontinental ballistic missile base – with a network of underground tunnels and silos, but no nuclear warheads – is on sale on eBay for $1.5m (£750,000, 1.06m euros).
Shame about the lack of missiles though, otherwise I’d be seriously interested in making an offer 😛
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