Water Surface Printing

Another old link here you might already have seen a few months back and it passed me by, but now it seems theres a device which can ‘print’ on the surface of water by producing and controlling a series of small waves and ripples.

Not sure what the point is, but I’d certainly like to actually see it in action close up, and maybe have a go a spelling out words (remember your first calculator at school! 5318008)

Cool Tech

One of the guys over at Gutter Zombie posted another cool link, with the question Real Tech? I certainly hope so, this looks like it could be a lot of fun to use/demonstrate with. I guess they intend it for educational use or the engineering environment, but I’m thinking real time ‘chess like’ turn based online physics battle game!

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I was asked to edit a pre-existing interface called Chatties for a ‘create your own avatar’ flash app to accompany a text and webcam chat site Visual Chat to add a little more functionality and design a few sets of characters, this is one of the sets I came up with. You can find a version of the interface on my ‘Stills’ page or go to the Chatties site to compare it with the original.

BumpTop Prototype

Not sure if anyone had already seen this link (I just found it going through some of the old mailshots from Computer Arts Magazine which I never got round to reading).

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It’s a really cool concept, but I’m unsure of how useful it would actually be, the danger for me is that it would be one more distraction, as I tend to save everything to my desktop rather than folders in case I forget where it is (out of sight out of mind is a big problem for me) and I could end up spending longer playing with my arrangement of files/windows and application shortcuts than actually getting any work done.

The official site is here if anyone wants to give the developers their vote for rolling the research project out as a full blown product.

I love the internet!

3 really funny video’s on some of the sites I check daily so instead of putting them up here I’ll just add the links.

First (and funniest) over on Sore Thumbs they’ve got a great song by Thomas F. Wilson (Biff from Back to the Future) either go to their main page and find the 02 October 06 post or go Here

Next Angry Zen Master has a whole different take on the Thriller video Here

And finally Ctrl+Alt+Delete have a good one up about etiquette for men here

Peter Jackson signs Xbox deal

It’s all about crossing boundaries nowadays it seems, whether or not this is something that will work or not I’m undecided, but I’m all for good storytelling in games, so here’s hoping it turns into something good.

King Kong director Peter Jackson has agreed a deal with Microsoft to create what he describes as a “new form of interactive entertainment”.

The Oscar-winning film-maker said he would be creating a series based on the Halo video game franchise, created by Bungie Studios.

“I’m getting a little bored with films,” he said.

Don’t know what anyone else thinks, good thing or bad?

Read the rest of the story here

Gas-turbine powered laptops!

Sounds cool to me, we’ll have to wait and see I guess.

“A laptop that will run for three hours on battery charge will run for 15 to 20 years using the microengine and it should end up costing no more than current batteries,” said Professor Epstein.

He believes it could be available commercially within three to five years.

Full story here

Lego Star Wars II, The Original Trilogy

Now I never played the first one when it came out, but when i heard about the Original Trilogy version I thought it was going to have to be a must buy (I don’t buy games all that often, although I really enjoy playing them to begin with, I get bored of them easily and also frankly I’m a very poor gamer).
Then I saw the offer over at Amazon.co.uk and realising you can get £15 off the pre-ordered PC version, I thought why the heck not.

It was out in the UK on the 15th of this month, my copy arrived Monday morning, and even though I’ve not had much time to play it yet, I’ve made sure to get in a few hours for a first play through of some of the levels, and whilst not the most challenging game in the world and sometimes a little fiddly to control it’s a whole load of fun. Who wouldn’t wanna run round the death star as Chewbacca, with a Stormtroopers helmet on at a jaunty angle (to get through security doors) literally ripping enemies arms out of their sockets!

C’mon Original Star Wars, and Lego, what’s not to like.
Check out the trailer below to see what you’re missing.
(If you do get it on the PC, don’t forget to d/l the patch first, get it here)

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£100 to talk badges

I’ve added some badges to the 100 to talk range, they come in Standard size (2.25 inches), and Mini size (1 inch)

There are some more items in the same ranges including bags, cards, stickers and even underwear, check them out in the “stuff” section after going to your preferred currency here

$100 To Talk£100 To Talk€100 To Talk