
I can’t think of anything that happened in September worth mentioning so I’ll jump right into October.

On the 6th me and a bunch of friends from university got together for the 10th anniversary of when we started uni.
We visited several of our old haunts, reminisced about old times, drank a prodigious amount (but as we’re all over or near the 30 mark now decided it was best to leave off the shots and drinking games we used to play back in the day) and stayed out late dancing to music that was a hit in the 90’s and buying kebabs on the way home (and not entirely unusually dropping mine on the floor before managing to eat it) and then getting up at the crack of checkout (as we were visiting from all over most of us stayed in a city centre hotel) before going for a huge breakfast and another pint before stumbling off home to rest before having to go back to work on Monday.

Now lets hope it’s not another 10 years before the next one (although I do need a bit of a break first 😛 ).


…to my sister and her now husband (yet another backdated post but this was the day/time they got married).

And a good day was had by all I must add, although I think it would be best to leave it quite a while before I decide I’m going to drink white wine, cider, rum and rose wine all in the same evening and in much larger quantities than is sensible for any man. It was also a great excuse to try out the camera I got for my birthday, my favourite picture of the day (taken by my cousin), is where every single member of my immediate family is looking in a different direction, with only me and my niece looking at the camera, I think it’s an accurate portrayal.


I hit thirty today (and when I say hit I mean hit, boy that smarts).
Not much to else to say on the subject other than, c’mon boffins hurry up with that damn nanotech anti-ageing treatment, till then I guess I’d best start to exercise and treat my liver with a bit more respect. Hmm, don’t want to seem like I don’t trust them though, maybe I’ll give the boffins another 5 or 10 years first.

R.I.P. Ringo

I’ve been neglecting this blog for a while now, and thought I’d start trying to make regular posts again, and ease myself back in by adding a few back-dated posts of some of the things that really should have been mentioned when they happened.

The most obvious one is that Mike Wieringo died of a heart attack at his home in Durham, North Carolina, at age 44. I used to regularly check his blog to see some of his almost daily warm up sketches and to read his commentary on life as a comics artist, and have a large number of the UK reprints of his and Mark Waids run on the “Fantastic Four”.

He seemed like a genuinely nice bloke, and I don’t think I’ve ever read a bad word said about him by anyone on-line, which is surely a mark of his character for a successful artist in a competitive industry. His brother and best friend are working with his web-hosts to keep his site active and just as he left it, and it’s certainly worth a visit if you’ve never been there before and a revisit if you have.

Wooden Robots

I saw the link to these

Wooden Robots

over at Angry Zen Master, and I have so say they’re not only some of the best toy/collectables I’ve seen in some time they’re also some of the coolest pieces of woodwork I’ve seen.

I wonder if they’ll be available for sale and how much they’ll cost. Well I guess I could sell a kidney, any takers for a slightly used one? (only one not very careful owner, I’ll give you a good price)

My kind of wrestling match

I’ve never really ‘got’ the whole wrestling thing, it just never piqued my interest before, but after seeing this over at Angry Zen Master I might be a convert (at least for any future sesame street/muppet matches)

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Custom Keyboard

This is by no means a recent item but I only found it the other day so thought other people might have missed it too, but check out this cool custom keyboard.
Custom Keyboard