
There was a link to this site on one of the forums I visit regularly

Say Hello to the all New Genpetsâ„¢ from Bio.Genica!
The Genpetsâ„¢ are Pre-Packaged, Bioengineered pets implemented today!

That’s right, Genpets are not toys or robots. They are living, breathing genetic animals.

Read it all thoroughly, and then when you’ve finished looking through it all (and perhaps think the worlds finally gone even more crazy) go here to see more products, I especially like the footwear!

What did you do over Xmas Vacation?

Now I don’t know about anyone else, but all I really did over Xmas was a whole lot of nothing, with occasional bouts of nothing in front of either the TV or PC, all the while eating and drinking like I’d only discovered food and drink a few moments before (oh and visited the family but that was more of the same just in a different location).

It seems not all of us were as happy to do the human equivalent impression of the bastard offspring of pig and sloth and instead spent their time in a much more useful and creative manner (in my opinion anyway which here is all that counts) , especially Missed Manners who documents his activities here:-
What I Did Over Christmas Vacation.

Right I’m going off to make sure everyone knows I want sweets for Xmas next year, and then consider which scene from which film or book I’m going to tackle. I suppose it depends on how much help I think I might get, and amount of sweets.

Sea Otters Gambolling in the Wild, Wild Surf

I used to read a lot more often than I do now, and even though these days I seem to spread my spare time much more thinly there’s still nothing quite like sitting down and escaping the world for a while with a good book. That being said I think I might start to add reading recommendation’s here (I’m not sure why I never have before, must be the aforementioned neglecting my brain through lack or reading), for those of you who might share my tastes or opinions (or are willing to ‘take my word for it’ even if you don’t).

I’ve (literally) just finished reading ‘Sea Otters Gambolling in the Wild, Wild Surf by John Bennett’, which was recommended to me by my girlfriend (who rather handily works in a library and being the sweetheart she is brings me home anything she thinks I might find interesting), and now I can heartily recommended it to the rest of the reading world.

Sixteen-year-old Felix is bored and stressed. He’s stressed about his ‘A’ Level results, stressed about working for that mad old bag Mrs Pretzel, stressed about what the future holds. He’s also feeling mighty guilty about the possibly fatal combination of laxatives and scrabble tile (Z, ten points) he fed to Mrs P’s spaniel, Vespasian. But it’s not the stress or the guilt that initiates the bizarre quest that takes him half way around the world on a stolen debit card – it’s curiosity. Felix is very curious about a statue he finds in the permanent clearance sale at ‘The House of Crap’ – a statue depicting a fat man and a sea otter in sexual congress. “Sea Otters Gambolling in the Wild, Wild Surf” is the story of where Felix’s curiosity takes him, to Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco; on a journey that challenges his preconceptions about the world, his plans for the future and his relationships with his family. Will he get home before his little sister discovers what he’s up to? What’ll happen to Vespasian? Will he get the passes he needs to get into University? Whatever!

Banksy Shop

Now everyone knows who Banksy is (not actually ‘who he is’ but rather know of him) and even if you don’t there’s a good excuse to find out. I was sent this link to the shop page of his site in an email, the best thing about it is that every item is free (photo’s of his work available for download in various sizes).

Right I’m off to eat some bandwidth.

Interesting article

Whilst browsing through the sculptors section in The Clubhouse forums I came accross a link to an interesting article which is defiantely worth a read if your job is in any way creative, or involves freelance work etc.

First line goes:-

If you have the slightest creative talent, you are probably being hustled constantly to create for little or no money.

Be sure to follow the link to the following article too at the end.

How much do I want Megatron?

Now I know this firmly puts me in the ‘big geek’ corner (like there was really any doubt) but as the title says, How much do I want Megatron

The answer is lots!! I never managed to own any of the cool Transformers when I was a kid, and Megatron was always at the top of my want list, but here we have a re-designed model with die-cast metal parts which when in robot form will stand around 13 inches tall, and comes with accessories like the mace he used during that damtop battle with prime (if you didn’t think I was a geek before, you do now).

If I still believed in Santa (although thinking about it I’m not sure I ever did, which would explain my dislike for the holiday seaaon I imagine) I’d be writing him a letter right now and behaving my ass off, hmm, perhaps a quick note to the north pole and a few cookies can’t hurt.

Mood Music

If you’re like me you have fairly ecclectic musical tastes, and often have a problem deciding what to listen to next, or you’re not sure what you’re in the mood for, and leave your music player on random, yet keep skipping past tracks that don’t suit.

I’ve only been playing with it for a few minutes, but this site looks like it could be the right solution at least some of the time (for some reason the link won’t work so just paste the following link into a browser ). You click on the small interface somewhere between energetic at the top and calm at the bottom, and dark on the left and positive on the right and it selects a track for you and follows a meandering path through tracks in the same ‘area’. You can also select/deselect different types of music like rock, disco etc and pick either a specific decade or choose all.

Doesn’t look like it’s great if you’re lookig for a specific artist of track, but if that’s the case you already know what you wanna listen to anyway and play it before visiting the site.